Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Groupon, Martinis, Patua, Rock and Roll Tours and How You Failed Nightlife

Nightlife News for May 11, 2011
Compiled by Gamal Hennessy

Mastering the Martini
Long before Mad Men made the drink famous among 21st century drinkers, luminaries like Dorothy Parker, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Ernest Hemingway were sipping martinis at the Knickerbocker. Today, bartenders as close as Pegu and PDT and as far away as the M Bar in Hong Kong and the Plaza Bar in Buenos Aires

Rock and Roll Tours
A new tour will trace the history of rock music in New York City with stops at venues like CBGB, Don Hills, Max’s Kansas City, and the Mudd Club.

Groupon/ Live Nation Deal
The mega online discount site and the mega live concert promoter are in talks to create a double mega summer concert deal.

Paul Seres will bring a 3 floor rooftop/ restaurant/event space to the prime space between the Port Authority and Penn Station.

Are You the Problem with New York Nightlife?
 There is a certain type of nightlife patron that tries to prove his superiority by expressing a disdain for modern nightlife. I wrote about this type of patron in my 2009 piece If Nightlife is Dead, then You Killed It. Late last year, I described them in my series On Retros, Realists, and Rebels. This week, Good Night Mr. Lewis confirms some of the same ideas. Nightlife has definitely changed. But if you can’t find a place or a party that you like in 2011, maybe its not nightlife’s fault. Maybe its you…

Summer Bar List 
Guest of a Guest offers its list of the top summer bars to compete with Urban Daddy’s outdoor venues from two weeks ago.

Have fun.

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